Friday, September 25, 2009

Avoiding Body Odor on Your Big Day

For some of us avoiding body odor on your big day is a major issue. We fear, for instance, that it will come upon us in the receiving line as we lift our arms to hug each guest or ruin the romance of a first dance.
Seven years ago, as a bride myself, I was reading thru a bridal magazine and came across a "quick tip" that mentioned using Neosporin® in your armpits the night before your wedding. The reason being it contains "Bacitracin, neomycin, and polymyxin B are antibiotics that kill bacteria on your skin". Bacteria is the cause for "body odor." I have used this tip a lot over the past seven years. But it came through in a different way recently and thought I would share.
Recently I was getting ready for an event and as usual my two little boys were distracting me in the process, after grandma arrived to watch them and I rushed out the door. I was on the road when I realized I had forgotten to apply deodorant! That is huge for me, but I couldn't turn around and go back and I didn't have time to stop at the store. Then I remembered putting my tube of "Bacitracin, neomycin, and polymyxin B" in my purse. I dug around frantically and there it was. I applied it and then hoped for the best. Sure enough, by the end of the evening it was as if I had put on deodorant. Amazing!

Quotation from

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